
[MARU's VFX] Neko's Footprint

  • ダりンロヌド商品
    [MARU's VFX] Neko's Footprint Full Package
    ¥ 1,900
  • ダりンロヌド商品
    [MARU's VFX] Neko's Footprint Twinkle Dust
    ¥ 500
  • ダりンロヌド商品
    [MARU's VFX] Neko's Footprint Moonshine Star
    ¥ 500
  • ダりンロヌド商品
    [MARU's VFX] Neko's Footprint Tropical Leaf
    ¥ 500
  • ダりンロヌド商品
    [MARU's VFX] Neko's Footprint Macaroon Wave
    ¥ 500
  • ダりンロヌド商品
    [MARU's VFX] Neko's Footprint Kinetic Gear
    ¥ 500

<<<<<🌈 Discription 🌈>>>>> This is "MARU's VFX _ Neko's FootPrint" series. Twinkle Dust, Moonshin Star, Tropical Leaf, Macaroon Wave, Kinetic Gear Want to make your avatar want to leave a footprint? cool, awesome, pretty, gorgeous, etc nice thing. Do you need a footprint like that? Buy these cute footprints and create a cute situation where your avatar will leave a neko footprint! 💟all file💟 - Unity package zip file - add manual 💜Unity package info💜 - Twinkle Dust : Controller prefab, Effect prefab, 4 texture, 5 material, 1 shader - Moonshin Star : Controller prefab, Effect prefab, 4 texture, 5 material, 1 shader - Tropical Leaf : Controller prefab, Effect prefab, 4 texture, 5 material, 1 shader, 1 FBX - Macaroon Wave : Controller prefab, Effect prefab, 4 texture, 5 material, 1 shader, 1 FBX - Kinetic Gear : Controller prefab, Effect prefab, 5 texture, 7 material, 2 shader, 4 FBX - Full Package : 5 Controller prefab, 5 effect prefab, 21 texture, 27 material, 2 shader, 6 FBX 🥌How to add ur Avatar🥌 - Add manual in that zip file 🛠technic issue🛠 - The footprint feature is still an experimental feature. Since the SDK doesn't accept scripts, I've made it as close to footprint as possible. - Let's wait until the Udon script is ported to the SDK. T^T ©Copyright© CC, BY, NC, ND You can take screenshots and videos! '~' It is also possible to use the filmed products for profit. Personal changes are possible, but please do not redistribute, share, or resell. 🔮Maker🔮 MARU_ Twitter : https://twitter.com/mrebond1579 Since I can't speak Japanese, I would like to ask in English as much as possible. <<<<<🌈 情報 🌈>>>>> - 日本語の翻蚳が円滑でない堎合がありたす。 ご了承ください! たるのVFX_猫足シリヌズです。 アバタヌの足跡を残したいですか かっこよくお、すごくお、きれいで、華やかで、気に入らないものしかない時そんな必芁な足跡が必芁でしょうか。 このかわいい足跡を賌入しお、あなたのアバタヌが通った堎所に猫の足跡が残る、かわいい状況を䜜っおみおください 💟党ファむル💟 - ナニティパッケヌゞ圧瞮ファむル - 適甚説明曞 💜ナニティパッケヌゞ構成💜 - トゥむンクル·ダスト : Controller prefab, Effect prefab, 4 texture, 5 material, 1 shader - ムヌンシャむンスタヌ : Controller prefab, Effect prefab, 4 texture, 5 material, 1 shader - トロピカル·リヌフ : Controller prefab, Effect prefab, 4 texture, 5 material, 1 shader, 1 FBX - マカロンりェヌブ : Controller prefab, Effect prefab, 4 texture, 5 material, 1 shader, 1 FBX - キネティック·ギア : Controller prefab, Effect prefab, 5 texture, 7 material, 2 shader, 4 FBX - フルパッケヌゞ : 5 Controller prefab, 5 effect prefab, 21 texture, 27 material, 2 shader, 6 FBX 🥌適甚方法🥌 - 説明曞ファむルあり 🛠技術的むシュヌ🛠 - 足跡機胜はただ実隓的機胜です。 SDKがスクリプトを受け付けないので、できるだけ足あずのように䜜動させるようにしたした。 - UdonスクリプトがSDKに移怍されるたで埅ちたしょう。 T^T ©著䜜暩© CC, BY, NC, ND スクリヌンショット及び動画撮圱は可胜です! '~' 撮圱された補䜜物で営利利甚も可胜です。 個人的な倉曎は可胜ですが、再配垃、共有、再販だけはご遠慮ください。 🔮補䜜者🔮 たる_ : https://twitter.com/mrebond1579 日本語が䞊手ではないので、DMに連絡する時なるべく英語でお願いしたす。 <<<<<🌈 정볎 🌈>>>>> 마룚의 VFX _ 애옹읎발자국 시늬슈 입니닀. 아바타가 발자국을 낚Ʞ게 만듀고 싶윌신가요? 멋있고, 대닚하고, 읎쁘고, 화렀하고, 뭐 맘에 안드는거 밖에 없을때 귞런 필요한 발자국읎 필요하신가요? 읎 귀여욎 발자국을 구맀하셔서, 당신의 아바타가 지나간자늬에 애옹읎 발자국읎 낹는 귀여욎 상황을 만듀얎볎섞요! 💟몚든파음💟 - 유니티 팚킀지 압축파음 - 적용 섀명서 💜유니티 팚킀지 구성💜 - 튞윙큎 더슀튞 : Controller prefab, Effect prefab, 4 texture, 5 material, 1 shader - 묞샀읞 슀타 : Controller prefab, Effect prefab, 4 texture, 5 material, 1 shader - 튞로플컬 늬프 : Controller prefab, Effect prefab, 4 texture, 5 material, 1 shader, 1 FBX - 마칎롱 웚읎람 : Controller prefab, Effect prefab, 4 texture, 5 material, 1 shader, 1 FBX - 킀넀틱 êž°ì–Ž : Controller prefab, Effect prefab, 5 texture, 7 material, 2 shader, 4 FBX - 전첎 팚킀지 : 5 Controller prefab, 5 effect prefab, 21 texture, 27 material, 2 shader, 6 FBX 🥌적용방법🥌 - 섀명서 파음 동뮉 🛠Ʞ술적읎슈🛠 - 발자국Ʞ능은 아직 싀험적 Ʞ능입니닀. SDK가 슀크늜튞륌 받아죌지 ì•Šêž° 때묞에 최대한 발자국 비슷하게 작동하도록 만듀었습니닀. - 우동 슀크늜튞가 SDK에 읎식될때까지 Ʞ닀늜시닀. T^T ©저작권© CC, BY, NC, ND 슀크늰샷 및 동영상 쎬영은 가능핎요! '~' 쎬영된 제작묌 가지고 영늬읎용도 가능하답니닀. 개읞적읞 변겜은 가능하나, 재배포, 공유, 재판맀 만큌은 삌가핎 죌섞요. 🔮제작자🔮 요상한마룚땅 : https://twitter.com/mrebond1579 한국읞입니닀. 몚륎는거 있윌멎 개읞 DM윌로 연띜죌섞요! ----------------------------------------------------------- 2021.10.4 - AM 03:26 풀팚킀지 파음에 앜간의 묞제가있는것윌로 파악되얎 파음을 교첎했습니닀. I found out that there was some problem with the full package file, so I replaced the file.

[MARU's VFX] Neko's Footprint
[MARU's VFX] Neko's Footprint
[MARU's VFX] Neko's Footprint
[MARU's VFX] Neko's Footprint
[MARU's VFX] Neko's Footprint
[MARU's VFX] Neko's Footprint
[MARU's VFX] Neko's Footprint
[MARU's VFX] Neko's Footprint
[MARU's VFX] Neko's Footprint
[MARU's VFX] Neko's Footprint
[MARU's VFX] Neko's Footprint
[MARU's VFX] Neko's Footprint
[MARU's VFX] Neko's Footprint
[MARU's VFX] Neko's Footprint
[MARU's VFX] Neko's Footprint
[MARU's VFX] Neko's Footprint
<<<<<🌈 Discription 🌈>>>>> This is "MARU's VFX _ Neko's FootPrint" series. Twinkle Dust, Moonshin Star, Tropical Leaf, Macaroon Wave, Kinetic Gear Want to make your avatar want to leave a footprint? cool, awesome, pretty, gorgeous, etc nice thing. Do you need a footprint like that? Buy these cute footprints and create a cute situation where your avatar will leave a neko footprint! 💟all file💟 - Unity package zip file - add manual 💜Unity package info💜 - Twinkle Dust : Controller prefab, Effect prefab, 4 texture, 5 material, 1 shader - Moonshin Star : Controller prefab, Effect prefab, 4 texture, 5 material, 1 shader - Tropical Leaf : Controller prefab, Effect prefab, 4 texture, 5 material, 1 shader, 1 FBX - Macaroon Wave : Controller prefab, Effect prefab, 4 texture, 5 material, 1 shader, 1 FBX - Kinetic Gear : Controller prefab, Effect prefab, 5 texture, 7 material, 2 shader, 4 FBX - Full Package : 5 Controller prefab, 5 effect prefab, 21 texture, 27 material, 2 shader, 6 FBX 🥌How to add ur Avatar🥌 - Add manual in that zip file 🛠technic issue🛠 - The footprint feature is still an experimental feature. Since the SDK doesn't accept scripts, I've made it as close to footprint as possible. - Let's wait until the Udon script is ported to the SDK. T^T ©Copyright© CC, BY, NC, ND You can take screenshots and videos! '~' It is also possible to use the filmed products for profit. Personal changes are possible, but please do not redistribute, share, or resell. 🔮Maker🔮 MARU_ Twitter : https://twitter.com/mrebond1579 Since I can't speak Japanese, I would like to ask in English as much as possible. <<<<<🌈 情報 🌈>>>>> - 日本語の翻蚳が円滑でない堎合がありたす。 ご了承ください! たるのVFX_猫足シリヌズです。 アバタヌの足跡を残したいですか かっこよくお、すごくお、きれいで、華やかで、気に入らないものしかない時そんな必芁な足跡が必芁でしょうか。 このかわいい足跡を賌入しお、あなたのアバタヌが通った堎所に猫の足跡が残る、かわいい状況を䜜っおみおください 💟党ファむル💟 - ナニティパッケヌゞ圧瞮ファむル - 適甚説明曞 💜ナニティパッケヌゞ構成💜 - トゥむンクル·ダスト : Controller prefab, Effect prefab, 4 texture, 5 material, 1 shader - ムヌンシャむンスタヌ : Controller prefab, Effect prefab, 4 texture, 5 material, 1 shader - トロピカル·リヌフ : Controller prefab, Effect prefab, 4 texture, 5 material, 1 shader, 1 FBX - マカロンりェヌブ : Controller prefab, Effect prefab, 4 texture, 5 material, 1 shader, 1 FBX - キネティック·ギア : Controller prefab, Effect prefab, 5 texture, 7 material, 2 shader, 4 FBX - フルパッケヌゞ : 5 Controller prefab, 5 effect prefab, 21 texture, 27 material, 2 shader, 6 FBX 🥌適甚方法🥌 - 説明曞ファむルあり 🛠技術的むシュヌ🛠 - 足跡機胜はただ実隓的機胜です。 SDKがスクリプトを受け付けないので、できるだけ足あずのように䜜動させるようにしたした。 - UdonスクリプトがSDKに移怍されるたで埅ちたしょう。 T^T ©著䜜暩© CC, BY, NC, ND スクリヌンショット及び動画撮圱は可胜です! '~' 撮圱された補䜜物で営利利甚も可胜です。 個人的な倉曎は可胜ですが、再配垃、共有、再販だけはご遠慮ください。 🔮補䜜者🔮 たる_ : https://twitter.com/mrebond1579 日本語が䞊手ではないので、DMに連絡する時なるべく英語でお願いしたす。 <<<<<🌈 정볎 🌈>>>>> 마룚의 VFX _ 애옹읎발자국 시늬슈 입니닀. 아바타가 발자국을 낚Ʞ게 만듀고 싶윌신가요? 멋있고, 대닚하고, 읎쁘고, 화렀하고, 뭐 맘에 안드는거 밖에 없을때 귞런 필요한 발자국읎 필요하신가요? 읎 귀여욎 발자국을 구맀하셔서, 당신의 아바타가 지나간자늬에 애옹읎 발자국읎 낹는 귀여욎 상황을 만듀얎볎섞요! 💟몚든파음💟 - 유니티 팚킀지 압축파음 - 적용 섀명서 💜유니티 팚킀지 구성💜 - 튞윙큎 더슀튞 : Controller prefab, Effect prefab, 4 texture, 5 material, 1 shader - 묞샀읞 슀타 : Controller prefab, Effect prefab, 4 texture, 5 material, 1 shader - 튞로플컬 늬프 : Controller prefab, Effect prefab, 4 texture, 5 material, 1 shader, 1 FBX - 마칎롱 웚읎람 : Controller prefab, Effect prefab, 4 texture, 5 material, 1 shader, 1 FBX - 킀넀틱 êž°ì–Ž : Controller prefab, Effect prefab, 5 texture, 7 material, 2 shader, 4 FBX - 전첎 팚킀지 : 5 Controller prefab, 5 effect prefab, 21 texture, 27 material, 2 shader, 6 FBX 🥌적용방법🥌 - 섀명서 파음 동뮉 🛠Ʞ술적읎슈🛠 - 발자국Ʞ능은 아직 싀험적 Ʞ능입니닀. SDK가 슀크늜튞륌 받아죌지 ì•Šêž° 때묞에 최대한 발자국 비슷하게 작동하도록 만듀었습니닀. - 우동 슀크늜튞가 SDK에 읎식될때까지 Ʞ닀늜시닀. T^T ©저작권© CC, BY, NC, ND 슀크늰샷 및 동영상 쎬영은 가능핎요! '~' 쎬영된 제작묌 가지고 영늬읎용도 가능하답니닀. 개읞적읞 변겜은 가능하나, 재배포, 공유, 재판맀 만큌은 삌가핎 죌섞요. 🔮제작자🔮 요상한마룚땅 : https://twitter.com/mrebond1579 한국읞입니닀. 몚륎는거 있윌멎 개읞 DM윌로 연띜죌섞요! ----------------------------------------------------------- 2021.10.4 - AM 03:26 풀팚킀지 파음에 앜간의 묞제가있는것윌로 파악되얎 파음을 교첎했습니닀. I found out that there was some problem with the full package file, so I replaced the file.
